We ship internationally with FedEx. Shipping fee will be calculated at checkout.
We ship internationally with FedEx. Shipping fee will be calculated at checkout.
Your order will be prepared within 2 business days at the earliest. Shipping will take approximately 7-10 business days to arrive from the date of shipment. Delivery delays may occur due to external factors such as customs clearance.
All prices shown in the checkout do not include custom duties and import taxes. RECLO WORLD is NOT responsible for any custom duties and import Taxes occurred at checkout and shipping process. Customers are required to pay custom duties and import taxes to be able to receive and collect their purchases.
All shipments can be tracked via Fedex. After placing your order, you will receive an email with the tracking number, which you can use to track the order. You can also check the status of your shipment at any time and stay up to date on your purchases in the Orders section of your profile.
If you have any questions or needs regarding shipping, please contact us at